Transition to a Sustainable Dairy Industry

Maleny Dairies – Pilot Project

A Sunshine Coast Regional Project based at Maleny Dairies. The project goal is to demonstrate how, the transitioning to regenerative agricultural practice, in an industry in decline could achieve outstanding productivity and product far exceeding current quality standards.

Starting With Conventional Pasture & Soil

An unbalanced conventional soil sample. Very low Phosphorus, Silicon, Boron, Manganese. High Nitrate N and excessive Hydrogen(acid pH)
30cm hard compacted layer

The Transition

A Sustainable Nutrient Source

Australian Dairy Farm: Milk protein trial results from cows grazed on Rural Boss treated pastures. Improved performance was identified in animal health, pasture quality and pasture dry matter production.

Milk protien increase with RuralBoss

Multi Species Pasture

Why a Multi Species Pasture?

Maleny block Planted 24 March 2020 Flail mulched to set kikuyu back 8 plant species with different varieties

1st Grazing 29 April 2020 : 3000kg feed 35 days from planting

Glomalin on roots
The biological aerator 45 days
60cm 60 day
Aeration, infiltration

Soil Life Is The New Fertilizer And Machinery

Infiltration on multi species block 2min58s. Next door 8min 33s for 25mm

Add water

The Results of this 120 day Project

What could this do for the local region and then further afield ?